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Adoption Profiles by Design | Ever Nester Review


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Struggle Shuttle - Motherhood Refined

Adoption profiles and adoption profile books are such a challenging and intimidating part of the adoption process. Portraying you and your family accurately to a stranger through pages in a book is a daunting task. Because of this difficulty, online adoption profiles, like Ever Nester, have become increasingly more popular. Online adoption profiles, by design, make it easier to form a connection due to the use of current uploads, posts, videos, etc… Ever Nester is a new, online adoption profile service that allows hopeful adoptive parents to easily create an online profile including text, pictures, and videos in a guided template. Once complete, each profile is displayed on the site for worldwide accessibility. The creator of the profile can then manage the profile through continuous updates or changes throughout their waiting process. They can also see how many people are are looking at their profile and the geographical location that those people are in. Ever Nester’s mission is to make the adoption process easier for hopeful adoptive parents. They do this by taking the stress out of profile creation and giving HAP’s a platform to expand their search for a match. According to their site, the focus of this platform is to provide: inclusivity, transparency, and support. INCLUSIVITY We are ready to support every family in their adoption journey. We respect and appreciate what makes us different, in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and family composition. TRANSPARENCY Our holistic approach to connecting families unites the industry. We bring adoption experts together, creating partnerships that best support our community. They say it takes a village to raise a child, we believe adoption takes a community. SUPPORT We coach hopeful parents to share the most compelling and natural aspects of their family. We help birth parents intimately experience adoptive families, ease the selection process and decrease the matching period. Founder Todd Joseph: I met Todd Joseph, founder of Ever Nester, through my Facebook adoption support group, Private Infant Adoption: Resources and Support. I have been through the adoption process twice, and I have two, beautiful daughters through private adoption, but I had never used an online profile service before. Our agency only had us make a physical adoption book that took me several stressful WEEKS to create and then I couldn’t easily update as our family life changed throughout our two year wait. Also, that book was then just shown to expectant mothers that came to our small, local agency for guidance and support. Being able to create an updatable profile that is easy to share and is also accessible to the masses was very intriguing. Todd is also an adoptive parent. He has been through the process recently and understood first-hand what hopeful adoptive parents go through. But what really made me feel a connection with Todd was that he, like myself, respects and honors all sides of adoption. It is not just about finding families a child. It is about what is best for the baby and biological parents as well as the adoptive parents. Like my Personized Guide to Private Infant Adoption, evernester.com is another TOOL for hopeful adoptive parents to use to HELP them through the process without breaking the bank. With pricing as low as $30/month ($25/month if you sign up for a year), I had to see for myself how this platform worked! So I created my own, online profile on their site. You can find it, along with other hopeful families HERE. The process to creating the profile is guided but personalized. It was so easy to create! It took me only a couple hours to get it to where it is right now. This was a drastically different experience than the WEEKS it took me to create a book! But that was only my first positive note about Ever Nester. Below you will find my full review by listing the pro’s and con’s of using evernester.com for your online adoption profile platform. Looking for more information/tools to ease the adoption process?? Check out these articles: All In One Adoption Guide Adoption Home Study Do’s and Don’ts Home Study Checklist How Does the Adoption Tax Credit Work? EverNester.com Review: Pro’s to Ever Nester Adoption Profiles: Con’s to Ever Nester Adoption Profiles: In conclusion, if you are searching for an adoption profile builder, I would 10/10 recommend using Ever Nester as your platform! The best part is that you can just TRY it for a month! See how it works and then be convinced! OR , you can save yourself $5/month and sign up for the year! You won’t regret it!

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